The range includes baby equipment and clothing, care products, baby and toddler toys, baby carriers and carrier backpacks, baby carriages, crawling blankets, child seats and much more. Don't miss it: The infalino expert forum with valuable information about birth and baby's first years.

In addition, young mothers will find places to retreat for breastfeeding and feeding, a parents' café and other amenities that make a visit to the fair an overall experience, for example the big children's festival for the slightly older kids - with bouncy castle fun, music, face painting and much more.

infalino takes place as part of the large infa experience and shopping fair, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.

Weekend Special infalino Tickets

Attention grandparents

infa is turning 70, are you too? Then we'll give you free admission! If you were also born in 1954, we'll give you free admission to this year's infa.

Information on free admission

  • Free admission on infa weekdays (Monday to Friday)
  • Only on presentation of a valid identity card at the box office in the entrance areas