Daily Program
Christmas art: live turning of miniature trees
Topic: Building & Living
Hall 20, Stand E13
The public's favorite: The most beautiful journeyman carpentry pieces
Topic: Building & Living
Hall 20, Stand E13
Emotional scars of birth and how they can heal.
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Leila Klug
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Functional tests of RC2 residential windows
Topic: Building & Living
Hall 22, Stand E41
Kinderschminken - Fräulein Schminke
Topic: Christmas
Themenwelt Christmas: Programm
Hall 24, Stand X58
Märchenhafte Elfenwelt
Topic: Christmas
Themenwelt Christmas: Märchenwald
Hall 24, Stand X22
Self-test: levering open the RC2 elements
Topic: Building & Living
Hall 22, Stand E41
Star hairdresser Khalil - Discover the future of styling
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Khalil Moubadder
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Thermomix - 3 recipes, 3 variations in 30 minutes: Baguette, dip and ice cream
Topic: Market Hall
Theme World Market Hall & Show Kitchen: Program
Hall 21, Stand E14
Wie man mit Baumängeln umgeht
Topic: Building & Living
Tibor Herczeg
Managing Director, VWE Verband Wohneigentum Niedersachsen e.V.
HANNOVER LOUNGE - The forum for your home
Hall 22
Birth&kids fact check: From parental allowance to pocket money-comprehensive information and support
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Ramona Christ
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
A passion for baking - masterful creations for every occasion. Today Red Velvet Cupcake creative
Topic: Market Hall
Raheem Haidar
Winner of the SAT 1 program 'Das große Backen' 2022
Theme World Market Hall & Show Kitchen: Program
Hall 21, Stand E14
fritzi Handtaschen Präsentation/Gewinnspiel
Topic: Beauty & Wellness
Themenwelt Beauty & Wellness: Programm
Hall 23, Stand F80
Henna Tattoos von Henna Art Hannover
Topic: Bazaar of Nations
Themenwelt Basar der Nationen: Programm Aktionsfläche
Hall 23, Stand D27
Kosten sparen: PV, Wärmepumpe & Wallbox kombinieren
Topic: Building & Living
Christian Hagen
Managing Director, Hagen Energiesysteme
HANNOVER LOUNGE - The forum for your home
Hall 22
Lesung 'Glück, das kann ich selber'
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Liane Bamminger
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Stem cells from the umbilical cord - Securing them for my child at birth
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Birgit Häuser
Vita 34
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Blessed by God - information on baptism
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Stephan Lackner
Kirche im Blick
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Brasilianische Capoeira-Show
Topic: Beauty & Wellness
Themenwelt Beauty & Wellness: Programm
Hall 23, Stand F80
mundus-Fine Art Bakery - The specialists for candy bars, cupcakes and cakes
Topic: Market Hall
Eghlima Wehrmann
Founder and owner, mundus-Fine Art Bakery
Theme World Market Hall & Show Kitchen: Program
Hall 21, Stand E14
Ökologisch Dämmen
Topic: Building & Living
Toni Geddert
Managing Director, K3 Dämmservice GmbH & Co. KG
HANNOVER LOUNGE - The forum for your home
Hall 22
Healthy teeth - right from the start
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Silke Lange
Zahnärztekammer Niedersachsen
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
UllmannWohnen Betonen - Kleine Teppichkunde, Land und Leute im Iran
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Frieder Schmidt
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Die Lindener Narren gratulieren
Topic: Building & Living
HANNOVER LOUNGE - The forum for your home
Hall 22
Ab ins Eigenheim, aber bitte unabhängig - Tiny Style Living
Topic: Building & Living
Jens Engelhardt
HANNOVER LOUNGE - The forum for your home
Hall 22
Mon Bonheur - French indulgence
Topic: Market Hall
Thomas Immenroth
Owner, Mon Bonheur
Theme World Market Hall & Show Kitchen: Program
Hall 21, Stand E14
Reading "Your world will burn" with bestselling author Susanne Mischke
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Susanne Mischke
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Understanding baby and toddler sleep (better)
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Laura Postulat
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Die Lindener Narren gratulieren
Topic: Beauty & Wellness
Susan Dickti
Die Lindener Narren
Themenwelt Beauty & Wellness: Programm
Hall 23, Stand F80
Avoid toxins in everyday life - natural alternatives for body care and cleaning (+DIYs)
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Marion Novello
Aroma für Dein Leben
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Mit Atem und Bewegung zu innerer Ausgeglichenheit - Workshop mit Ann-Kathrin und Tim Hofmann
Topic: Bazaar of Nations
Themenwelt Beauty & Wellness: Programm
Hall 23, Stand F80
Die Lindener Narren gratulieren
Topic: Christmas
Themenwelt Christmas: Programm
Hall 24, Stand X58
Dance workshop - A journey through the Caribbean with Salsa del alma
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Lena Moise
Salsa del alma Dance Academy
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Functional tests of RC2 residential windows
Topic: Building & Living
Hall 22, Stand E41
Markus-Christian Kulz from RiX Gastro cooks "Ricklinger Bulette"
Topic: Market Hall
Markus-Christian Kulz
RiX Gastro
Theme World Market Hall & Show Kitchen: Program
Hall 21, Stand E14
Self-test: levering open the RC2 elements
Topic: Building & Living
Hall 22, Stand E41
So gelingt der Start ins Smart Home
Topic: Building & Living
Darko Rahim
Managing Director, Smartlogy
HANNOVER LOUNGE - The forum for your home
Hall 22
'Family life in balance! Between expectations, compatibility and mental load'
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Franzi Helms
Franziska Helms Coaching & Beratung
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Carrying babies big and small - the path to your ideal baby carrier
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Chrissy Handschug
Tragenetzwerk e.V.
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Fashion-Show: Fashion born in Hannover
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Brasilianische Samba Show
Topic: Beauty & Wellness
Themenwelt Beauty & Wellness: Programm
Hall 23, Stand F80
EMS-Training und warum dies besonders gut geeignet ist nach der Schwangerschaft und für junge Mütter
Topic: Weekend Special: infalino
Falk Oberwetter
Themenwelt infalino: Programm
Hall 25
Henna Tattoos von Henna Art Hannover
Topic: Bazaar of Nations
Themenwelt Basar der Nationen: Programm Aktionsfläche
Hall 23, Stand D27
Star hairdresser Khalil - Discover the future of styling
Topic: Lebensart - Lifestyle
Khalil Moubadder
Themenwelt LEBENSART: Programm Bühne
Hall 19, Stand L39
Thermomix - 3 recipes, 3 variations in 30 minutes: Baguette, dip and ice cream
Topic: Market Hall
Theme World Market Hall & Show Kitchen: Program
Hall 21, Stand E14
Henna Tattoos von Henna Art Hannover
Topic: Bazaar of Nations
Themenwelt Basar der Nationen: Programm Aktionsfläche
Hall 23, Stand D27
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